Cantilevered Screws
Cantilevered screws are used for a variety of reasons:
• When an opened ended discharge is needed based on the system design.
• When the screw is delivering material to inside something (an injector screw).
• When you need a positive feed, into an incline or vertical screw, etc.
• When the product that is being conveyed is not free flowing enough to drop out of a std. Vertical discharge.
A cantilevered screw can also be designed as a screw feeder. A cantilevered screw is usually a short screw since in its design the deflection of the screw is always calculated to insure that the screw does not rub on the housing when running. The drive shaft of a cantilevered screw is always supported by two bearings with the screw projecting out from the shaft inside the housing, to the end discharge.
Cantilever as an injector, see injector screws.